God’s perfect plan, how man messed it up, and how God put the pieces back together

Being reconciled with the God of the Universe

The Lord made a beautiful, perfect world and placed Adam and Eve in the garden. Every evening God walked with them and they enjoyed fellowship together. He put Adam in charge of naming the animals and caring for his environment. Everything was theirs to enjoy.  The Lord gave only one rule…”Don’t eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

One day the devil came to Eve in the body of a snake and lied to Eve. He made her doubt God’s goodness. He made her think God was trying to keep something good from her. Instead of her staying far from the tree, she drew near. She looked at the fruit, she touched it, then she ate it and gave it to Adam to also eat. Immediately their purity was gone. They had disobeyed God and sinned. Their relationship with God was broken. At that point, they spiritually died and they were overcome with shame. They tried to hide from God and cover themselves. When God confronted them, Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the snake. We can choose our sin, but we can’t choose our consequences. Because the Lord is holy, there has to be a  payment for sin. God cursed the snake and told him humans would be his enemy and He would put a spiritual barrier between Satan’s people and God’s people. Satan would bruise Jesus, God’s son, but Jesus would deliver the death blow to Satan. To Eve God said she would have pain in childbirth. God told Adam that because of his sin the ground would be cursed and he would contend with thorns and thistles.  This is the point in time where the first blood was shed and something living, beautiful and precious had to die. The Lord had to kill an animal to make skins for Adam and Eve to hide their nakedness. Because the tree of life was in the garden and to prevent Adam and Eve from eating of that tree and be forever in their sinful state, God had to ban them from the garden. Pretty sad, huh? (This information is found in the first 3 chapters of the Bible- Genesis 1-3) But there is good news!  God already had His plan to fix this in place. He would send a Savior to redeem the human race. It would cost Him everything, but He would make a way to restore fellowship with the human race. So here’s the Good News…

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16,17)

Jesus was born as a baby, lived a perfect life, and then let men crucify Him on a cross to pay our sin debt. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. (Romans 3:23) All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him (Jesus) the sins of us all. (Isaiah 53:6) For the wages of sin in death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)  But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:8) If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. (Romans 10:9,10) Repent (change your inner self- your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life), for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 3:2) For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2) God promises, But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. (1 John 1:9) For “Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

Listen! The LORD’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call. (Isaiah 59:1) Seek the LORD while you can find Him. Call on him now while he is near. Let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing wrong. Let them turn to the LORD that he may have mercy on them. Yes, turn to our God, for he will forgive generously. “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD.  “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:6-9)

According to the Bible there is only one way we can be reconciled to God.

  • By believing Jesus is the Son of God who came to pay our sin debt with His life, was buried and raised from death to life after 3 days, and admit we are guilty before God, confess our sin and turn from it.

We have a decision to make. What will it be?

  • Let our pride stand between us and our Creator. Go our own way. Do our own thing. Then pay the consequences… be eternally separated from God and live a life of turmoil and then pay for our own sin debt in the lake of fire for eternity.

(Remember, we can choose our sin, but we can’t choose our consequences.)


  • Turn to God, confess our sin and turn from it and beg God’s forgiveness, invite Him in to clean our heart and save our soul. Spend our days with His presence and peace and then eternity with Him in heaven.

When we do the latter, we must know what Ephesians 2:8,9 says.. God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.  Salvation is not  a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

God has made a way.  Will you take it? Choose wisely. Your future depends on it.

Keep looking up,

Gaye Hughes Hammersley

Walking with the Lord

Trusting God instead of myself

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5,6 (NLT version of the Bible)

 I walked into Home Depot the other day praying, “Lord, please help me choose a paint color I will be happy with.  This is going to be a lot of work and some expense.  I want to be happy with the results.” Was I painting the living room or bedroom? No! It was the garage. Crazy, huh?  Yes, I agree.  But when it comes to all the work of moving everything out, applying one coat and then another, I don’t want to just like it….I want to LOVE it!

As I looked through the paint colors, I became overwhelmed with all the choices.  I continued to pray for the Lord’s guidance.  Finally, I decided on a color, paid for it and left.  As I walked outside into the natural light and looked down at the blotch of paint on the top of the can, I gasped. “This is NOT what I ordered! The cashier must have gotten my order mixed up with the other lady’s paint choice.” But when I checked the label, it was my color. What now? Then it came to me. “Lord, I asked you to guide me to the color that I would be happy with. Even though this looks and feels all wrong right now I am trusting that You answered my prayer. I am going to take this home and paint the walls and be content with the outcome.”  Peace replaced anxiety.

In the grand scheme of things, does getting the “right” paint color really matter? Not at all. What DOES matter is seeking God’s guidance instead of going our own way and learning to talk to God throughout our days about everything. I’ve heard people say that God is too busy running the universe to care about my little problem.  I assure you, my friend, the Lord loves you and cares about what you care about. Psalm 139 describes how well the Lord knows us and is involved in our lives. May we pray as King David did in Ps. 139:23, 24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. And when the Lord answers that prayer and convicts us of sin we need to stop committing such as pride, bad attitudes, disobedience, idols in our lives, etc. may we be quick to ask His forgiveness and turn from it so we can keep a good relationship with Him.

By the way, I really like the new paint job in my garage. 😊

Keep looking up,

Gaye Hughes Hammersley

Expectations and Disappointments

“Expectations always get me in trouble. I’ve learned to try not to have any,” said my friend many years ago. I didn’t like the sound of it then or now. “Wait a minute! Don’t I deserve a certain level of respect? I daily serve my family, surely it’s not wrong to have a few expectations met in return,” I thought.

Fast forward about 15 years and here I am dealing with a pandemic that is wreaking havoc with my Thanksgiving plans. How are we suppose to cope with unmet expectations? How do we put on a happy face when the waves of disappointment threatens to drown us? I’ve come to believe a truth- based perspective is everything.

Imagine you are on the interstate headed to a gathering of friends and family. This event has been planned for months and you’ve been counting down the days. You’re finally having a good hair day and feeling especially pretty in your new outfit. Then it happens…. you see the sea of red brake lights up ahead. Uggghhh. It’s a traffic jam. “NO! This can’t be happening. Not now. Not tonight.” You look at your GPS and the predicted delay is over an hour. You may get angry or have a melt down in a puddle of tears out of pure frustration.

In contrast, you find yourself suddenly stopped in traffic, but you’re headed to a dental cleaning appointment you’ve been dreading for 3 weeks. Instead of feeling angry, you are relieved that you have a good excuse for not making the appointment. Our feelings are a result of our perspective.

Our grandson near Porcupine Mountains, MI (Aug 2020)

Our pastor delivered a timely sermon yesterday on having a grateful heart even during adversity. The Israelites were about to receive the long awaited inheritance of the promised land of Canaan, but they still had to fight some battles. God was faithful to fight their battles for them and we know He always keeps His promises, but that didn’t mean life was a walk in the park then or will be for us now.

I’m tempted to gripe and complain to others when things aren’t going my way, but that attitude isn’t helpful for anyone including myself. Spreading negativity only makes things worse. We have a choice. When disappointment knocks at our door do we take the high road and start counting our blessings or jog down the hill of despair?

Whitefish Point, MI

Yesterday I thought about a little activity I want to try. When I’m disappointed even about little things, I want to write it down and mentally lay it on the altar as a sacrifice to God reminding myself that He is using this to sanctify me if I will allow Him. It will be my attempt to keep my vessel (heart) clean of bitterness and flowing with joy so the Master can use me to love others.

We can expect disappointments in this life. We aren’t in heaven yet. But let’s learn to limit our other expectations so we don’t put undue pressure on our loved ones. We may have to look harder at times, but the blessings are there if we search for them.

“Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.” Psalm 95:2

Keep looking up!

Gaye Hughes Hammersley

Unseen but still there!

This was written four years ago. Now my daughter Anna is expecting her third baby! God is SO good.

Praise You In My Storm

13076693_10209219739673504_5008194580227490555_nAnna 4 months pregnant Anna April 2016

Isn’t it funny how we have a hard time with things we can’t see? Many people have congratulated me because I’m “going to be” a grandma.  I am already a grandmother.  I sent my daughter, Anna, a Mother’s Day card and told her she is now carrying this little one in her womb, but very shortly she will be carrying him in her arms.  Either way, she is very much the mother of her baby.

We believe in the wind even though we can’t see it… only the effects of it.  We are sustained by oxygen and we sure believe in it even though we can’t see it. Because we can’t see it, doesn’t make it any less real.

likeness_of_godI was saddened this morning to learn that a sweet Christian lady had gone to be with the Lord. I wasn’t sad for her because I know she is in heaven, but I empathize with her…

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Things to be thankful for during Covid-19


“Gratitude never comes from avoiding difficulty but from finding yourself sustained through it.” -Randy Alcorn from his book, 90 Days of God’s Goodness.

We’re probably all learning some important life lessons through being isolated in our homes with our families.  These are a few things I’ve taken for granted and have become especially thankful for the past few weeks.

  • Good health

What a blessing it is to be able to walk around outside and feel the breeze and sunshine! I’m thankful that this virus has happened in the springtime with warmer weather and more sunshine. (Also, our electricity and gas bills will be cheaper during this time with so many unemployed.)

  • Freedom

The privilege to be able to freely come and go is something I’ve taken for granted. Until recently I’ve never thought about what a blessing it is to be able to go to a store and just pick up some necessary items or browse around.

  • Fresh air

I’m thankful I can walk outside and not have to worry about the air I breathe.  I’ve enjoyed living in the country my whole life, but I’ve definitely taken fresh air for granted.


  • A slower pace

I’m a list maker. I like staying busy and getting things done.  That can be a good thing, but it has its negatives too. My dad used to often say, “Gaye, will you please just sit down? You’re making me nervous the way you’re always zipping around.” Slowing down can be uncomfortable for me.  If I have too much time to think, I tend to become sad.  It’s easier to stay busy than to think about some past sins and mistakes, strained relationships, emotional pain, etc. But it’s been healthy for me to have extra down time to process and deal with my bad attitude, what angers me and why, and things I could or should have done better. Now, I can take steps to not repeat those things I regret.

  • Time for completing projects

Do you have projects you tend to keep pushing back because you aren’t motivated to do them?  I have! Well, I can’t use the excuse that I don’t have time now.  So I’ve cleaned out some closets and drawers, organized some messy places, painted, done some much needed yard work, and have sent more cards to people.

  • Friends

I’ve been particularly blessed to have reconnected with old friends during this time.  Some I haven’t heard from in quiet awhile have contacted me and I’ve tried to do the same. I’ve realized how much I’ve missed these people.  I believe God puts every person in our lives for a reason. He has used my friends to encourage me, to laugh and cry with me, to instruct and teach me, and to rebuke me over the years.  They make my life rich and are a gift from God.  God uses our relationships with others to mold us into the people He wants us to be.

  • Family

I didn’t think I could love my family any deeper.  I have found I can. I appreciate them more now than I ever have. I’m so thankful for the technology we have today to be able to communicate with our loved ones. We have cell phones, texting, zoom, Marco Polo, and facebook to just name a few.  What a blessing it is to be able to keep in touch! I think about how life was just 30 years ago.  Families didn’t have any of these ways of communicating.

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My and Scott’s wedding day when the Hammersley and Hughes families joined forces. 🙂 9-1-18

For most people it’s easy to put on your happy face, and be kind and friendly to those we see outside our homes. But we can’t hide who we are from those living with us.  They know all the good, the bad, and the ugly. With this shelter-in-place we’re stuck with each other all day, every day whether we like it or not.  Fortunately, I’m married to the best man on the planet so I’m enjoying having him around, but I realize that isn’t the case with everyone.  Family relationships can get strained quickly when life is stressful, we’re dealing with disappointment, and worse yet, the whole world seems chaotic and suffering abounds. All while the very things that often encourage us: family, friends, worshiping together in church, vacations, going out to eat, etc. have been stripped away.  It’s in these moments we realize how much we need the support of our family. We’ve been given a wonderful opportunity, free of distractions, to learn to love our family well. Let’s be committed. Let’s be there for each other, if in prayer only, when no one else can be. I’m thankful for family.

  • God

I’m thankful for extra time to spend reading God’s words, the Bible. I’ve certainly prayed more. The many encouraging sermons I’ve heard via you-tube have taught me more about God. (One of my favorite preacher is Adrian Rogers.)  This is a good time for us to draw closer to the God we love but are prone to wander away from.

When we emerge from this unprecedented time like a butterfly out of its cocoon, may we be more patient, more kind, more thoughtful, more humble, more intentional in our living and giving. I want to look and act more like Jesus.


May we not let this time of testing be wasted. We can look at this time of isolation and widespread sickness as training ground to become more of a soldier of Jesus Christ. It’s a time to dig deep, search our hearts, discern what is holding us back from giving God and others our all. May we learn to prefer others above ourselves and become a humble servant. And what better place to learn this than at home with our families? Jesus humbled Himself and became a servant and He calls us to do the same. This is where we will find true joy and peace. And let’s not forget to look for the positive things and thank God for them.


Again, I quote Randy Alcorn, “The degree of joy rises to the degree of gratitude, and the level of gratitude corresponds to the level of God’s grace experienced in our suffering.” 

Keep looking up,

Gaye Hughes Hammersley



Do Not Fear….even the Coronavirus?


Being in the dark is a common fear of little ones. When our children were small we had a glow in the dark plaque that read, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee (God) from Psalm 56:3.  Claiming God’s promises from the Bible is one of the best ways I’ve found to combat fear.

What causes YOUR heart to tremble?  The coronavirus has the potential to cause even the bravest of men to be afraid.  This very well may be the scariest time many people today have ever faced. So what does God say about fear?

God tells us to not be afraid.

I haven’t counted for myself, but I’ve heard that some variation of, “Do not fear” appears 365 times in the Bible…once for every day of the year.

In Matthew 10:29-31 Jesus was talking to his disciples and He said,

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

God knows all about us and cares about how we are feeling. He tells us to not be afraid.

Isaiah 41:10 has become one of my favorite verses.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Joshua 1:9 reads,

Have not I (the Lord) commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

God commands us to not worry.

Philippians 4:6 says, Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

This is not a suggestion or recommendation and no exceptions are listed…. not even  for the coronavirus.  Notice what Paul is telling the Philippians to do.

  1. Pray about every thing
  2. Supplicate- ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly
  3. Be thankful to God for something
  4. Politely ask God

I’ve heard worrying is like rocking in a chair… it expends a lot of energy but gets you nowhere.

Jesus invites us to let Him carry our burdens.

In Matthew 11:28-30

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am meek (gentle) and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

The apostle Peter encourages us to turn to God in time of need  with the proper attitude.  I Peter 5-7 says…

..be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

It’s a battle to focus and keep our eyes on God whom we cannot see more than on the problems which swirl around us. I guess that’s why God has to remind us so often to not fear. But once again He promises in Isaiah 26:3, 4 to give us peace if we will trust Him.

Thou (God) will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed (sustained by) thee (God): because he trusteth in thee (God). Trust in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everylasting strength.

When we fear and worry, we aren’t trusting God.  Many times we would rather have our own way than God’s because we want to call the shots.  We want an easy, fun, comfortable life.  God is more interested in us becoming more like Jesus and preparing for eternity with Him.  Unfortunately, we learn best during hardships. That’s when we tend to seek God the most.

Times like these often reveal our level of faith or lack thereof. Are we cooperating with God or kicking, screaming, and bucking against His plan for us? Are we accepting and embracing the hardship or becoming angry and bitter?

I’ve heard faith is like film. It’s developed in the dark. Are we willing to trust God and walk through the dark so He can develop and mature us spiritually? Or are we wanting to be God and do things our way? This is a sobering time to examine our hearts, our faith, our priorities. Are we living out what we’ve been saying we believe?

Do not fear. If you are putting your faith in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation, and not in anything you have done, you can be assured God is working all things out for your good and His glory. (Romans 8:28) You can rest as you trust Him. Do not fear.

Keep looking up,

Gaye Hughes Hammersley

September 1, 2018

September 1, 2018




Our Eyes are on You, Lord


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I enjoy the idioms of the south. Here are a few of my favorites.

While discussing a hard rain you might hear, “That was a frog strangler!”

While introducing a new idea…”There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” (Let’s not ask how that one originated!)

My brother-in-law’s favorite when asked how he’s doing is, “Finer than frog hair.”

There are many different ways to get our point across and using idioms is a fun way of doing it, but have you ever been in circumstances where you had no words? Have there been times when you tried to talk to God but all you could utter was, “Help me!”?

If one of my children came to me and explained that they were at the end of their rope (there’s another idiom!) and needed my help, you bet I would do all I could to help  because I love them. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 7:11 “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father in heaven give good things to them that seek him?”

Why am I hesitant to ask God for help?  Do I think I can handle this one without Him? Do I feel like I’m bothering God or that He doesn’t really care? Whatever the reason, it is never wise to neglect a wise and loving Savior.  I need to speak truth to myself.

He is capable!

Colossians 1:16, 17 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions,or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him. And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

He is the Creator of the universe and holds it all together. He has already solved the biggest problem I’ll ever have…my sin problem…and He is much bigger than any other problem I’ll face.

He is available!

The Lord is not someone who doesn’t understand or cannot relate to our situation! Jesus was tempted in all points yet without sin. Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

He is willing!

I Peter 5:7 tells us to cast all our care upon him (God); for He cares for us. He wants to hear from us and He wants us to trust and depend on Him.

I was reminded this morning of one of my favorite phrases in the Bible…2 Chronicles 20:12, We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.

Jehoshaphat was in a pickle! There was a great multitude coming against him and he was afraid. He not only determined to seek the Lord, but he proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah and the nation gathered together. Jehoshaphat stood and prayed aloud recalling God’s power and deliverance in the past and humbly admitting his need for God’s help. His prayer ends with, We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You. This must have been music to God’s ears!

I remember when my son was a toddler. At times he would want to cross the creek at our home, but maybe the water was swift or he was not steady on his feet. He would reach for my hand feeling confident he could cross with my help. I was happy to protect and help him. God is all that and much, much more for us!


Our creek in Tennessee

The Spirit of the Lord came upon Jathaziel and he assured Jehoshaphat and the congregation that the Lord would deliver them. God used this man to encourage them to not be afraid because the battle was not theirs, but the Lord’s. In verse 18 the Bible says the king and all Judah bowed and worshipped the Lord and then some stood and sang His praises. (May we always remember to give God thanks.)

We may have to wait a little longer for our answer than Jehoshaphat many times, but we can rest assured God is working behind the scenes even when we don’t see anything happening. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)

So what are you focusing on today…your problems or your Lord? You may not see a way, but our God can make a way when there seems to be no way. When we are speechless and can’t even verbalize our concerns before God our Father, like Jehoshaphat, let us say, We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.

Keep looking up,

Gaye Hughes Hammersley

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Scott & Gaye     September 1, 2018









Does Cancer Scare You?

The word “cancer” can strike fear in your heart.  Recently, my daughter was telling me about  a lady who just learned she has the same type of aggressive breast cancer that I had (Triple Negative).  She said, “Mom, I’m sure glad we’re over that!” I told her I would never be “over” it.  There are follow up doctor visits and although I don’t worry about the cancer recurring, it is always in the back of my mind.

I’m sitting in the oncology waiting room as I write this.  As my eyes scan the room, I feel out of place and am disturbed.  It is obvious there are some very sick people here.  After multiple visits and four years later, it is still surreal.

I’ve had a chest x-ray and blood drawn.  I’m waiting to see the doctor and hear the test results. Even when I received the cancer diagnosis, I did not have any symptoms except for a pea-size lump.  Now, after all the chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation, my body feels the same.  Because I feel physically fine, it doesn’t make sense to me that the doctor can either give me a clean bill of health or report that the cancer has returned.

How is one to cope with this? My husband used to say, “People feel sorry for me because they know I don’t have much longer to live. They don’t seem to realize they could die before I do. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. I’m just more aware of it.”  We may think we have a measure of control in this life, but we don’t.  We couldn’t take our next breath but for the grace of God.  But don’t let this scare you! Our times are in God’s very capable hands. He is a good, good Father and loves us very much. We can rest in Him and trust His best for us as we walk closely with Him.  Cancer doesn’t scare God and we don’t have to let it scare us.

There are much worse things than cancer.  People who live selfishly to obtain things in this life have the worst disease of all!  They are missing out on real joy-filled living. I can’t imagine even getting out of bed in the morning if I did not have the love of Jesus in my heart and the assurance that His peace, grace, and mercy would cover me through the day.

Every time I come to this waiting room, so many questions flood my mind…Why did God bring me through the cancer journey basically unscathed?  Why would God choose to give me more opportunities to serve Him, when I fail Him so miserably every day? Why was I spared when so many of my cancer friends were not?

As I walk by the treatment room, I would rather look away and forget, but I feel obliged to absorb the scene.  I need to remember the uncertainty and fear I experienced while sitting in those chairs receiving poison in my veins.  Do these people know the peace only Jesus can give during this most gut-wrenching time of their lives? They need my empathy and my prayers.

After all the questions, my conclusion is always the same… I don’t know.  This is what I do know….

  • God is always good.
  • His way is perfect.
  • He will walk through every valley with me.
  • He is God and I am not.
  • I can trust Him.

I know I will come face to face with God one day and thank Him for using cancer to remove some of the fog of materialism and vain distractions from my heart so His purposes for my life could be more clearly seen and accomplished.

So with tears in my eyes and joy in my heart, I am thanking God for leaving me here to witness my last homeschooler (Nathan) graduate high school, Abigail receive her college diploma, Anna and Bethany marry their awesome husbands, and for having the privilege of enjoying my little grandson, Destin.  And I could go on and on.

Nathan graduating from high school (2017)

Abigail graduating from BJU (2017)

Bethany and Wesley Crews married 8-03-14

Anna and Danilo Vara married 9-27-14


Anna, Bethany, and Abigail (9-27-14)

Destin Vara as a newborn (9-24-16)

With a broad smile on her face, my sweet doctor just reported that my tests results were great! If my life ended today, I’ve been far more blessed than I’ll ever deserve.  It thrills me to know I’ll have all eternity to thank and worship my Lord and Savior for daily showering me with His gifts!

No, we don’t have to be afraid of cancer. We have a mighty God.  If we know Him and  find our life coming to an end here, we have a much better place to go where we will live like never before!  We can enjoy the presence of God for all eternity. Don’t let cancer scare you.  It can be a gift in disguise!

Keep looking up,


May 2017



Why is This Day Called Good?

What is so good about this day?  This day we call Good Friday is when we remember the greatest injustice in all the history of the world.  A completely innocent man (who also happened to be the Son of God) was interrogated, mocked, spat upon, lied about, beaten, humiliated, and then tortured to death for apparently no good reason.

If we didn’t know better we would think this was a weak man who couldn’t defend himself. This innocent man, Jesus, was there when our universe was formed. He has no beginning and no end. Jesus said, No man taketh it (life) from  me, but I lay it down of myself.  I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again.  This commandment have I received of my Father (John 10:18). And that is exactly what He did.

So this most horrible day for Jesus became the best day for the rest of us.  Jesus took the wrath of God for the sin of the whole world on Himself that day. He bought us with His holy blood. He paid the sin debt and redeemed a selfish, sinful world of people so we could be united with Him for eternity. This love is SO hard for me to wrap my mind around.

Jesus left the splendor of heaven and presence of God to come to earth to bridge the gap between our sinful brokenness and separation from God. He has done all the work.  He has done every possible thing.  All He asks is for us to repent of our sin, believe in Him and His work on the cross, and ask Him to take residence in our hearts. I can attest to the peace and joy that follows that act of faith!

As I think of Jesus’ suffering, I’m amazed at how He endured all that suffering and separation from God and didn’t yell, Enough! I don’t deserve this! I’m done! He could have easily called for the angels to release Him or walked away on His own. I know His love kept Him on the cross, but there was also another motivation.

This example is not anywhere close to what Jesus went through, but the most pain I’ve been in is when I gave birth to my children.  I chose not to have pain medicine and there was a few times I caved and said, Okay! Give me something! But the baby was ready to be born and there wasn’t time. Anyway, as I lay there writhing in pain, I wasn’t necessarily thinking about how much I loved my husband or the baby, although I did love them both very much.  I looked into the near future and thought about the joy of holding that precious new life. That thought helped me plow through the pain.

Jesus looked into the future and saw joy! Hebrews 12:2 says, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. He was thinking about the joy!

Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. (Luke 15:10) He has made a way for us to have abundant, joy- filled lives, full of faith and hope not only because of what He did on that cross on Good Friday, but because of the resurrection afterwards. He has taken the sting out of death and the grave for us as believers.

“Whenever you feel tempted to ask God, ‘Why did you do this to me?’ look at the cross and ask, Why did you do that for me?”  (Randy Alcorn in 90 Days to God’s Goodness)

So if you are going through a tough time now, look into God’s Word and claim His promises of peace, rest, and joy as you trust in Him. He will never fail you or forsake you.

Yes, it was a horrible Friday around two thousand years ago today, but it was also a glorious day for the millions of believers in the ages to come. What a precious gift Jesus gave the world that day! It is a very Good Friday because Sunday’s coming!!! Happy Resurrection Day!

Keep looking up,

Gaye Hughes


What are you wearing?



Although I prefer the King James Version of the Bible, I really like how Colossians 3:12-14 is worded  in The Message.

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline.  Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense.  Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love.  It’s your basic, all-purpose garment.  Never be without it.

If I could just remember these nuggets of truth every minute of every day! This is the key to a joy-filled life empty of self and full of God. Do you know anybody that dresses like this verse describes? I sure do!  It is a lovely sight…always gorgeous and in style! These people are refreshing, uplifting,  God-honoring, and Christ-like no matter their circumstances.

Do you need to make some changes in your wardrobe? What are you wearing today?

Keep looking up,

Gaye Hughes